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Showing posts from May, 2018

NCERT Class 10th Life Process Excretion in Plants

Excretion in Plants In this article we discussed the class 10th biology chapter life processes- excretion in plants definition of homeostasis, osmo-regulation, excretion, how excretion different form egestion, whats excretory waste plants remove, plants remove excretory waste not in form of urea or uric acid, its produce secondary metabolites like nitrogenous waste product (morphine), organic acids, tannin's, latex, resins, gums etc, and what mechanisms use by plants to remove this metabolites products like through old leaves, bark, old xylem, central vacuole, detoxification, salt glands I hope its helpful for your study and your board exam. Please supports us for making educational article for you..thanks Please click the given link below NCERT class 10th life process- excretion in plants